Friday, March 9, 2012

Power Thoughts for Women

As women, we can easily allow ourselves to be bombarded with negative self-talk and live according to the lies the enemy tries to feed us about ourselves. Even though we know the truth of who we are in Christ, we can still have the tendency to act as if we are still under bondage to these lies. We often live with insecurity and self-doubt as though we are less than who we know God says we are. The best weapon against these lies is truth, and we need to remind ourselves of the truth daily. The following is a list of affirmations I have collected over the years, and I usually pick out a few to meditate on each day. I challenge you to do this every day for at least 30 days, and see what a difference it makes in your life. Post this somewhere you will see it and not forget. You are God’s masterpiece, and don’t you ever believe otherwise!
Sharon Lewis

Today is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.
I choose today to live life to the fullest and fulfill God’s purpose for my life.
I am committed to achieving my God-given potential.
I am living in line with my divine destiny.
This is a fresh, new day, and I choose to look forward and not look back.
I am excited about this day.
I am expecting God’s blessings today.
My future is very bright!
I am not doomed to live a life of mediocrity, but God has a very wonderful and fulfilling life in store for me.
New doors of opportunity are opening for me.
God is going to restore everything that has been taken or withheld from me.

I am the apple of God’s eye.
I am called, chosen, and set apart.
I am a princess. I am a child of the Most High God.
I may not be perfect, but I am forgiven. I am not condemned, but God is pleased with me and approves of me.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and I have strong faith.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
He will continue to work on me, and I am growing and improving every day.
I am destined to live in victory and I am more than a conqueror.
God has given me His righteousness, and He has made me worthy.

I have peace with God.
My mind is at peace.
I am full of joy.
I have a sound mind.
I am relaxed yet energetic.
I have a positive attitude.
I have the favor of God.
I am blessed and prosperous.
God fights my battles for me, and I have nothing to fear and no reason to worry.
God created me to be victorious.
I am not bound by any strongholds or crutches, but I walk in absolute victory.

God made me exactly the way He wanted me to be. I accept myself and feel good about who I am.
He has endowed me with wondrous gifts and talents.
He has given me everything I need to do everything He has called me to do.
I genuinely care for people.
I am anointed by the Holy Spirit.
I hear from God.
God uses me mightily.
I take good care of my children and my home.
My children love God and are fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives.
My home is a place of retreat, peace, beauty, and warmth. I work hard to create an atmosphere in which my family can truly relax and develop to their full potential.
I inspire and motivate others.

God created me to enjoy life, and I will do just that. He did not create me to focus on the negative or to constantly be stressed out, tired, uptight, worried, condemned, or discouraged. I will not allow stress to rob me of my joy.
I have discipline and self-control.
I am a woman of integrity.
I am consistent.
I am a Proverbs 31 woman
I have true beauty that radiates from the inside, and I take excellent care of my outward appearance as well.
I am strong, persistent, and have amazing endurance.
I have a good personality and am interesting to others.
I am attractive and friendly.
I am generous.
I take good care of myself, and I am worth it.
I nourish myself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically every day.
I exercise regularly and eat healthy. I respect and take good care of the temple of the Holy Spirit.
I am disciplined and determined.
I am healthy and whole.
I am creative.
I am intelligent and wise.
I make good decisions.
I am valuable. I am worth taking good care of.
I am very capable.
I am a good communicator and am continuously improving my conversational, public speaking, and written communication skills.
I am well rounded.
I am rising to new heights.
I am confident.
I am talented and creative.
I have what it takes to fulfill my destiny.
I am strong in the Lord.
I am made in the image of God.
I have a bright future, and the best is yet to come.
I consistently pursue excellence and work very hard to develop my gifts and talents for the glory of the Lord. I give Him my very best.
I excel in my job.
I use my time wisely and pursue excellence in my career.
I am first employed by God and then myself before I am employed by ________. That gives me motivation to be my very best, and I do not settle for mediocrity.
I am a hard worker, and I am successful.

There is nothing I can’t do.
I have been crowned with glory and honor.
There is nothing in my heart I cannot accomplish.
The favor of God follows me wherever I go.
Whatever I touch is going to prosper and succeed.
I am endowed with seeds of greatness.
I have a positive opinion about myself, and I speak words of life to and about myself.
I am continually developing and reinforcing good habits.
I treat people with kindness and respect.
I choose to honor God in everything I say, do, and think about.
Everything is going to work together for my good because I love the Lord.
I have strong faith.
I am a woman after God’s heart.
I am unselfish.
I will do something today that I enjoy.
I am organized, clean, and neat.
I am energetic.
I regularly read and study the Bible and inspirational books.
I look for the good in people and help bring out their best.
I inspire, motivate, and encourage others.
With God’s help, I am wonderful wife.

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